Lebone II College Admissions 2024-2025

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Lebone II College Admissions 2024-2025

Lebone II College Admissions 2024-2025: College Fees 2024

As the year approaches, Lebone II College has open admission for the academic year to all applicants who are willing to attend the school. Students are advised to submit the required documents and apply early before the closing date is due. College Fees 2024

Read Also: Grey College Admissions 2024-2025


Lebone II College Subject

The school offer a wide range of academic subjects listed below to all students:

Upper School curriculum

The Lebone II Upper School, Grades 8 to 12, follows the Independent Examination Board (IEB) programme. Our curriculum is flexible and consists of best practice national and international models, and allows for innovation and creativity from both teachers and students. We create a rich and fulfilling learning environment that promotes learning how to learn, and we equip our students with the skills required to be their own managers, marketers and global communicators. Teaching is combined with exposure to a wide range of extracurricular activities, both locally and globally, through which students pursue their varied interests. This compelling learning environment is characterised by a spirit of excellence and provides a solid platform from which Lebone II students move to make their mark in the world.

Their academic programme runs over a 10-day (two-week) cycle of 50 minutes per period, with five minutes between periods (subjects).

Grades 8 and 9

Students in Grades 8 and 9 explore a range of academic and extracurricular activities so that they can make informed decisions regarding their subject selection for Grades 10 to 12. Using this multi-disciplinary approach the focus is on getting students to fall in love with the enterprise of education, and to love learning. This phase also has a strong emphasis on skills development, and by the end of this stage, students need to know how to speak and write clearly, think deeply and be tech-savvy, before transitioning to the FET phase. During Grade 8 and 9 a comprehensive guidance programme is n place to help each student choose their subjects for the FET phase.

Grades 8 to 9 subjects that are compulsory for all students:

  • English (medium of instruction)
  • Setswana or Afrikaans
  • Mathematics
  • Natural Science
  • Global Studies
  • Life Orientation
  • Design and Technology

The students are also exposed to the following semester courses:

  • Music
  • Economic Management Sciences
  • Information Technology
  • Engineering Graphics and Design

Grades 10 to 12

From Grade 10 to 12 their students focus on their core subject choices, whilst enjoying rich participation in many co-curricular offerings in the sciences, arts, humanities and international relations, including academic outings and subject-specific camps.

In Grade 12 their students focus on their preparation for the IEB examinations. For the past 9 years, the school Grade 12 students have achieved a 100% pass rate in the final examinations, with the majority securing bachelor’s degree passes. Their students widely achieve subject distinctions and score top marks in Mathematics Olympiads and Science expositions.

Subject Choices

Grades 10 to 12 subjects that are compulsory for all students:

  • English (medium of instruction)
  • Setswana or Afrikaans
  • Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy
  • Life Orientation


Document and information required for the admission of a learner at Lebone II College

See full detail below to apply:

  • A photocopy of your child’s birth certificate
  • 2 × Passport/ ID size photographs of your child
  • A photocopy of your child’s latest school report
  • Motivational letter (for students Gr 5- 10)
  • Medical aid details (including any information about medical conditions)
  • Testimonial (from current school e.g. Principal, HOD and or Educator Gr 4-10)
  • Letter from Kgosana (If you are Mofokeng)
  • Fostering/adoption documentation (if applicable)
  • Parents Identity Document/s
  • Copy of Road to Health card (Grade R-3)
  • Parents 2 months payslips
  • Transfer letter: once accepted by Lebone
  • Parents 2 months bank statement
  • A copy of the latest school fee account
  • Study permit (foreign students only): once accepted by Lebone
  • Proof of Residence


How to apply for admission at Lebone II College

The steps are

  • Go to the official website of the school
  • At the top menu of the page, click on the “Apply for Admission” tab
  • All new applicants must complete the application form before applying. They will not process applications without filling out the forms.
  • Attach the necessary document when applying
  • Complete and submit your application for evaluation

Lebone II College Application Forms:

Download and complete the application forms for the academic year 2024-2025 by all students;


Please click on the links below for more details before continuing with your application:

Click Here;

College Fees 2024


Lebone II College Contact Information

  • Physical address: Farm Morgenzon 261 JQ, Phokeng 0335
  • Postal address: PO Box 2623, Phokeng 0335
  • Telephone: +27 (0)14 566 1510
  • Fax: +27 (0)14 566 1593
  • General enquiries: admin@lebonecollege.co.za
  • Marketing: marketing@lebonecollege.co.za
  • Admissions: admissions@lebonecollege.co.za

Please visit the Official Website for more information;